- 软件大小: 1.19MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 益智游戏
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 特别版
- 更新时间: 2009/5/11 8:39:54
- 开 发 商:
Stack'n'Splash is an action puzzle designed to test your sorting skills under pressure. Arrange blocks into groups by swapping, pushing, stacking, dropping, and splashing! Groups of 3 or more blocks are removed from the game and points awarded! Your aim is to push the remaining blocks under the water! All this time, new blocks are raining down from the sky, in a race against the clock!
Careful game play will slow the falling blocks, but you'll have to move fast when the levels get more difficult! The game takes on elements of Bejeweled and Tetris Attack, and adds more than a splash of originality.
关键字: Stack Splash
- 蓝叠安卓模拟器 Bluestacks(安卓模拟器) v3.0.0.72 官方版
- BlueStacks中文安卓模拟器(PC上运行Android软件) V2.2.23.6105 官方正式版
- 高清视频播放工具(Splash mts视频格式播放器) 2.0.2 中文绿色高级版
- 安卓液体动态壁纸 Splash v1.1.1 汉化版
- 安卓模拟器 BlueStacks App Player(在电脑上跑Android应用) V2.1.3.5650 官方版
- 液体动态壁纸安卓版 Splash v1.0.7 汉化版
- APK启动图添加工具(AddApkSplashTools) 1.2.1绿色版
- 堆垛模拟工具(PLMPack StackBuilder) 官方版