
  • 软件大小: 37.00MB
  • 软件语言: 英文
  • 软件类别: 国外软件 | 视频处理
  • 运行环境: Xp/Vista/Win7/Win8/WinAll
  • 授权方式: 免费版
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  • 更新时间: 2019/10/16 0:43:07
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    VideoReDo TVSuite(视频转换编辑软件)

    VideoReDo TVSuite VideoReDo一款简单易用,只需要几个简单的步骤,就可以编辑影片的工软件,不需要复杂的程序,就可以保存下来你要的片段影片,适合不喜欢接触计算机的人使用。剪辑过后立即存档,绝不会影响原有的画质。

    VideoReDo TVSuite our newest product delivers a simple and fast way to create customized DVD's of your favorite TV shows, movies, and sports.

    Why should it be so complicated? Unlike home movie video editors, or those "all-in-one factory" DVD products designed for many purposes, VideoReDo TVSuite was designed to easily edit MPEG2 video, quickly author and burn a DVD.

    Simplify your editing, and quickly create DVD's of your TV shows... all within the same software, typically without the need of lengthily transcoding. This means you can remove offensive material (often commercials) by editing video, quickly author video, and burn DVD's easily and quickly!

    There is no need to jump around to different applications, so when you want to create DVD's you just do it without frustration. VideoReDo TVSuite gives you an easy way of collecting DVD's of your favorite TV events... the way you want to see them!

    TVSuite is built on the award winning functionality of our popular MPEG editing solution... so whether you are using a PVR, DVR, DVD or capture card to record TV, VideoReDo TVSuite will simplify your editing, and reliably create DVDs of your TV shows in minutes rather than hours.


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