- 软件大小: 770KB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 离线浏览
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 17:55:12
- 开 发 商:
Key Features
Browse the web without connection!
Resume broken downloads.
Increase your browsing speed.
Save time, money and phone billing.
FAST! Uses a new technology that allows to handle up to 100 conections at the same time. Possibly the faster offline browser in the net!
Stores websites in your hard disk! Can recreate in your HD the directory structure of the websites OR can store all the web pages and resources in a single directory. Links in the web pages are renamed to make navigation local.
NEW Quick View feature for fast access to the downloaded pages.
Stores list of websites into project files. Includes several project files ready to use.
Includes predefined filters to quickly specify to download a complete site, a directory (and all subdirectories since it), a page or define your own customized filter. Can filter by levels, external links, directories, include/exclude links, wildcards, etc.
Includes an update feature that allows to download a project in different sessions or when the websites changes. Also in any update, at your request, is able to remove the unused files, saving disk space.
Extrack URLs from any text in the the clipboard.
Easy to use and Compact!
关键字: JOC Web Spider
- 微羽个人网站服务器(微羽Web服务器软件) 0.2.8官方版
- 轻量级服务器软件(MyWebServer) v3.6.1绿色免费版
- 超级Web漏洞扫描器(Web漏洞扫描软件) 1.0.1绿色版
- 浏览器缓存图片查看器(WebCacheImageInfo) v1.21绿色版
- WYSIWYG Web Builder v11.1.1 特别版 所见即所得的网页生成工具
- 网页代码数据提取软件 Visual Web Ripper v3.0.10 特别版
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