- 软件大小: 6.19MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 离线浏览
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 17:57:15
- 开 发 商:
Surfulater enables you to save anything you see on the Internet as well as anything on your PC. You can use it as a general purpose information manager, a powerful research tool and research organizer, and as a knowledge base to build your own digital library of information.
On the Internet Surfulater lets you capture rich HTML text and images from web pages and save web pages in their entirety. It automatically captures the web page address (URL), the page Title, a thumbnail image of Web page and Meta information.
In other Windows Programs like MS Word or Adobe Acrobat you can gather content and directly create new Surfulater articles from it, using the Surfulater Clipboard Hotkey.
Files from your PC can be embedded directly into Surfulater Articles, so you have everything stored together in the one place. Or you can add links to files for quick access from Surfulater.
Your information can be edited using Surfulater's built-in HTML editor. Articles can be linked together to build a web of related information and notes can be added to make content even more valuable.
Surfulater stores all of your information in a free form Knowledge Tree. You can create an unlimited number of folders to hold information and Surfulater solves the age old problem of which folder is best to use, by letting you store the same article in as many folders as you want. This capability combined with the ability to link articles together makes it much easier to categorize, organize and manage your information.
There is little point storing information if you can't easily find it again. Surfulater's full text search engine quickly and effortlessly finds information.
Information can be shared with your colleagues via Surfulater's built-in E-mail capability or saved as HTML or MHT and files and passed around.
A Surfulater knowledge base (database) is completely contained in just two files, making them easy to carry around with you on a USB Flash Drive, or move between PC's i.e. work and home. And you can share your knowledge bases with friends and colleagues using Surfulater's Free Reader mode.
Surfulater lets you work with as many knowledge bases as you want, so you can divide your information up to best suit your needs.
关键字: Surfulater