- 软件大小: 3.72MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 传真工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2009/1/18 8:22:07
- 开 发 商:
Got a scanner and a modem? Save yourself the cost of a fax machine. Send and receive your faxes with Fax Machine. Here is how it works: insert a document in your scanner, start Fax Machine, click Scan a page (several times if you want to send a multi-page fax), click Send Fax, fill in the recipient telephone number and off it goes. That's all!
Fax Machine contains a printer driver, which lets you "print" to Fax Machine from any Windows application that supports printing.
Other features that make Fax Machine stand out:
Distinctive Ring support, even on Windows XP/Vista systems
Can forward received faxes by e-mail, even automatically right after the fax is received
Can print received faxes automatically right after the fax is received
Can print log of sent and received faxes, or save these logs to a text file
Can be set to start when Windows starts
You can specify what printer to use to print send confirmations and received faxes.
Is available in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Choose your language when installing the application.
关键字: Fax Machine
- 用程序发送和接收传真软件 Essential Fax v1.83.0 免费版
- machine皮肤更换工具(LOL皮肤更换工具) 1.66绿色版
- PDF文件生成工具(Broadgun pdfMachine Ultimate) v14.87 免费版
- 文字时光机安卓版 Type Machine v2.0.1汉化版
- 系统备份和恢复软件(AX64 Time Machine) V2.0.0.528 特别版
- 系统调整权限工具(Permissions Time Machine) v1.4.2绿色版
- ActiveFax Server(电脑收发传真软件) v5.10.0245 特别版
- Broadgun pdfMachine Ultimate v14.68 免费版 PDF文件生成工具