- 软件大小: 5.97MB
- 软件语言: 英文
- 软件类别: 国外软件 | 传真工具
- 运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/
- 授权方式: 免费版
- 更新时间: 2008/10/2 18:04:11
- 开 发 商:
Network Fax Server manages incoming and outgoing faxes for network users
Do you have...
· A waiting line at the office fax machine ?
· Computers on your network that cannot send faxes because of no outside telephone line access ?
· a need to view incoming faxes at the office remotely from a web browser ?
· A business where fax communication is important ?
If you would answer "Yes" to any of the above, Snappy Fax Network Server is for you. Fax Server can simultaneously send and receive multiple faxes using inexpensive fax modems, no expensive dedicated fax boards are required.
The Fax server receives incoming faxes and prints them automatically. Outgoing fax jobs are submitted to the server from Snappy Fax which serves as a client running on the workstations. Network clients are automatically notified when incoming faxes are received and of the results of outgoing fax jobs.
Here are some key features of "Snappy Fax Network Server":
· Supports sending and receiving faxes on multiple modems. The theoretical limit is 16 modems.
· The fax server can automatically forward incoming faxes to any number of email addresses
· An unlimited number of network clients can be configured to work with the fax server
· Each modem can be configured for sending, receiving or both sending and receiving.
· Modems can be configured as private to a specific workstation if needed (The "boss" may want his own modem)
· Unwanted "junk" faxes can be filtered and rejected by receiving modems
· Supports forwarding of incoming faxes to other fax machines
· The fax server can automatically notify client workstations of incoming faxes
· The fax server can automatically notify clients of outgoing fax job results
· Incoming fax data can be viewed remotely from the fax server with a web browser (requires companion software)
· Fax jobs can be submitted remotely through email to the fax server (requires companion software)
· Can import fax data from a Snappy Fax client
User Name: TEAM BEAN
Client Seats: 1000
Reg Key: 5445-414D-2042-4541-4E20-525A-DEB1-9AFD
关键字: Snappy Fax Server
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